Author, Books, Health, Life, Writing

Moments of Gratitude

1. I am thankful for my home. I’m even more thankful for what my home represents. It was my grandparents’ home, built in the 90’s on land that once belonged to someone that was like family. I am honored to carry on in their home, where my mother, aunts and uncles were raised. Where my sister and I often played as children. Where many family get togethers took place. Where community events happened because we seemed to all be one big family.

2. I am thankful for my family and my raising. I was raised by a family of Christians and was truly blessed with all I was taught.

3. I am thankful for lessons learned. Lessons that brought me to who I am today. Lessons of heartache, lessons of joy. The good and the bad.

4. I am thankful for my love of reading. It takes me to places I could never dream of visiting and introduces me to people I get to fall in love with over and over again.

5. I am thankful my mother taught me how to cook. I love cooking now, especially baking. I’m able to play around with ingredients and create fun and tasty concoctions.

6. I am thankful my father taught me how a man is supposed to be. Even before he was a preacher. (I’m thankful for that part of my life, too!) Many people are unaware of this, but he adopted my sister and I when we were little. We never felt any less than his children. He loved us and still loves us unconditionally. I love having him as my neighbor so he’s only a short walk away.

7. I am grateful for my vehicle. My little Honda. It was the first vehicle I had ever truly picked out and purchased for myself. It was a big moment for me, although many wouldn’t understand why.

8. I appreciate my love of life. It’s what gets me thru the worst of moments. The panic attacks, the high anxiety days.

9. I am thankful for my faith. In all the good and bad, and everything in between, my faith has brought me to the other side. To the completion. To the fix. To whatever the case may be. The Good Lord has never left my side and I know to the bottom of my heart this is true. My faith will always live thru me.

10. I am beyond grateful for my friends. As I’ve gotten older, my circle has gotten smaller, and I’m okay with that. There are few people in this life that get me. People I can turn to and be open with. I’d be lost without them. They are my soul sisters.

Thank you for stopping by today and taking the time to read my post. I am so thankful for my virtual friends, fellow writers, fellow readers… you guys rock!!

This post is only a snippet of what I’m thankful for. I could go on and on, but I’d rather keep my readers.   😉

So what are you thankful for? I’d love to hear YOUR moments of gratitude.

Until next time……………………………… Stay grateful!

9 thoughts on “Moments of Gratitude”

  1. ❤️️Thank you for sharing your gratitude list, Marlena. In those darker moments that life at times hands us without warning, I remind myself of the things I do have to be grateful for. Beginning with the joy of knowing I have been granted the gift of awakening to one more sunrise.

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