Business, Health, Life, Writing

Personal Update, April 2024

Hello friends,

2024 has already been a whirlwind, wouldn’t you agree? I hope you are well and that the Universe is treating you kindly. It’s been awhile since I’ve shared an update on my life, so I figured you were due…


My motivation has come and gone during the first quarter of 2024. Now, though, we’re seeing the light. And I have so many story ideas that I struggle on where to begin. Do you have that problem?

On a good note, I will have my first book signing in June. This will take place at a local coffee shop, which happens to be one of my favorite places in my hometown. Excited doesn’t cover the emotion I’m feeling.

Since we have my first book event, I’ve given myself an important goal to complete over the next couple months. I’m going to get another book out! A little surprise for those that show up to support. I just need to decide which book I’m going to focus on. (Again, too many ideas and drafts, so little time.)


Everyday Photography Solutions has had a slow start, but we are kicking things up as we enter year three. We have some marketing items in the works; we have our first community event in July; and we’ve purchased a beautiful backdrop that will arrive later this month. So we have some big plans for the summer and cannot wait!


For the final section, I’ll give you a quick run down of my health for those that are new or unaware. A little more than a year ago, I started having severe issues with my stomach. I eventually ended up in the ER and was told I needed to have my gallbladder removed. So in May of 2023, I had my first surgery.

Fast forward a couple months and my issues have continued. More tests, more blood work, more doctor visits. Months later in October 2023, we finally knew what was wrong. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. So since then, there have been numerous trials with foods and medicines, etc. I’m still not 100%, and I still have bad days. But at least we’ve improved from where we were a year ago.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play catch up with me.

So how are you? How has life been treating you? What’s the latest on your writing? Have you read any must-recommend books lately? Tell me all the things. ❤

15 thoughts on “Personal Update, April 2024”

  1. Good morning, Mar. I had my ‘dry spell’ after the hurricane in August. It took me eight months to get back on track, but I am back in a groove I hope to continue. I’ve never had writer’s block until now. I don’t want to have it again!

    Ulcerative Colitis is nothing to mess with, and I hope you get things under control quickly.

    Take care of yourself first!



    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on your first book signing, Mar! Sorry to hear about the UC. A good friend of mine has struggled for years and tried different meds. As you said, she still has good days and bad days, but it’s gotten better. Hope yours does also.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry to hear about the UC. Stomach issues plague both my kids (traced back through both sides of their family) and are miserable.

    Congratulations on the book signing! Wishing you all the best with it. I do know how you feel about choosing among several ideas. I hope one stands out for you. Best wishes, Mar.

    Liked by 2 people

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