Author, Books, Writing

Meet the Character: Annalise

Imagine interviewing introvert Annalise as she first arrives to Los Angeles, still new to the big city life.

Q: What brought you to Los Angeles?
I’m an extra in a movie called A Momentary Glance.

Q: What has been your favorite part about your trip so far?
I’ve only been here a couple days, but I’ve loved every minute so far. It’s really neat being on the set and watching everyone work. Everyone has been really nice, too, so that helps.

Q: You dream of being an actress, and this is a stepping stone for you. But what are your ultimate goals?
I just want to make people happy, make them smile and laugh. I want to do my part in making the world a little better.

Q: What do you miss most from home?
My mom.

Q: Have you received support from family and friends?
I don’t have very many friends, but the work friends I have have been excited for me. My cousin, Henry, too. But my mom is a different story. She doesn’t like any of this. Me being in a big city by myself, in an unknown place, working in an intense industry. She’s not my biggest fan right now.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Ideally, I’d be working on a film, but realistically, I may still be in Linford Falls. Right where my mother prefers I be. Who knows where life will take me?!

Q: Lastly, what would you be doing if you weren’t acting?
A: I would probably continue the jobs I have back at home. We’re such a small town, I help a few different business owners, like at the flower shop. It helps keep things from being boring.

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